Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Ain't Gonna Paint No More!

I Ain't Gonna Paint No More!
by Karen Beaumont
illustrated by David Catrow

What it's about:
This is a story about a mischievous toddler who loves to paint. The walls, the ceiling, and his body are his canvas. Unfortunately for the boy, his mother is known to thwart his creativity by throwing him in the bathtub.

Why we like it:
Before reading this story for the first time, I wondered if I should read a book with the word "ain't" in the title to my son. I try to use proper grammar in his presence, but for this wonderfully silly story, I will gladly make an exception. This book is lots of fun for several reasons. First, it is about a mischievous little boy. My own mischievous little boy loves to watch the main character paint his heart out. While the child paints his body, my son giggles and points to his own body parts as we turn the pages. He is also amazed by the unique style of the illustrations and the bright colors. Both of us have a great time singing the refrain, "I Ain't Gonna Paint No More!" Well actually, for now he just says "No 'Mo!"

Suggested Age Range:
We received this book through a book exchange a couple of weeks ago when my son was almost 18 months old. I think this was a perfect age to start reading it because he knows most of his body parts and can recognize them on other people and in pictures. He doesn't "get" the punch line at the end of the story, but he probably will soon. Since the punch line is a little bit sassy, I would guess that children up through early elementary school would continue to enjoy this book.

Additional Details:
Copyright 2005
Harcort, Inc.
ISBN 0-15-202488-3

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you both like the book! I remember thinking the same thing about the word "ain't" - so funny! We have loved the book despite the grammatical issues - glad you guys enjoy it too!
-Molly B