Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wild Animal Baby

Wild Animal Baby
published by the National Wildlife Federation

What it's about:
Wild Animal Baby is a magazine published by the National Wildlife Federation. It is similar to "Your Big Backyard" and "Ranger Rick," but it is geared toward younger children. The magazine is published 10 times per year and includes beautiful photographs, animal facts, and age appropriate activities.

Why we like it:
My son and I both look forward to the arrival of Wild Animal Baby in our mailbox each month. When a new magazine arrives, we read it over and over until the pages start to fall out. My son particularly loves the pictures of the baby animals and the "animal search" in each issue. He also has fun finding Sammy Skunk, a happy character who hides in various places throughout the magazine. I think this publication is a great way to teach very young children about wildlife. The information is age appropriate, and the activities are fun!

Suggested Age Range:
According to the publisher, Wild Animal Baby is geared toward children up to age 3. My son started receiving it when he was 1 year old. The activities were very challenging for him then, but he still enjoyed reading the magazine. Now that he is about 1 1/2 years old, the activities are much more appropriate, but they are still difficult. At this rate, I estimate that he will be ready for "Your Big Backyard" (for ages 3-7) by around his third birthday.

Additional Information:
Published by the National Wildlife Federation
Subscription Rate: $19.95 per year (10 issues)

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