Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pat the Bunny

Pat the Bunny
by Dorothy Kunhardt

What it's about:
This classic interactive story is a collection of favorite baby activities such as looking in a mirror, playing peek-a-boo, and waving bye-bye. Paul and Judy perform each action, and the reader is asked to mimic them.

Why we like it:
I think my son loves this book because he can "do" all of the activities, and each activity engages his mind and body in a different way. I have enjoyed reading this book to him over the past 6 months. It has been amazing to watch him improve at each activity over time. My son learned the "so big" game reading this book. He also learned how to smell flowers from this story. When spring came, he searched the yard for real flowers and wanted to smell them all!

Suggested Age Range:
My son received this book when he was exactly 12 months old. He was ready for it then, and probably would have enjoyed it several months earlier. I thought he was outgrowing the story until recently when he held a stuffed animal and helped the toy perform the tasks as his daddy read. This made me realize that even though the activities are relatively simple for him now, he still finds it entertaining.

Additional Details:
Copyright 1940
Golden Books
ISBN 978-0307120007

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